Our Mythology… Incidentally

Mythology has never faded away. It has always been a part of us, lingering in our stories as we continued to tell them throughout time. Our current stories, the popular culture around, are our mythology. Its not mythology through some machinations of corporate capitalists who only want more money from our interest. They’re myths because they just are, incidentally.

At Incidental Mythology we explore our contemporary meaningful stories, and really dig down into what these narratives mean to us and why we care so much to tell them, play them, and watch them. At Incidental Mythology, we explain our contemporary mythology, legends and folklore, all in the world of entertainment, and through it learn a lot more about ourselves.

Who I Am


I am one of the founders of alt-ac.uk, and an independent scholar interested in the intersections of anything that can be considered religion, and anything that can be considered popular culture. I received my PhD from Durham University, where I studied the anthropology of religion, with a thesis on online mythology. I love mythology, and I love stories. I see our current popular culture as our current myths; they are stories which we tell and which we use to understand ourselves and our place in this world.